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What is MyPoule.nl

mypoule.nl is made as a hobby by Mypoule.nl and is meant as a hobby platform for setting up a sub-football pool in an actual closed circle, for example for your friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues, etc. ..

In order to create your own sub-group within mypoule.nl it is needed to register for free.

How does it work

The advantage of mypoule.nl is that you must completely fill the pool before the start of the tournament. So then you have no worries that you forget something in between to fill. After the end of the tournament wins the person with the best predictions, which will keep the pool exciting from the beginning to the end of the tournament.

The predictions are visible to everyone in the same group after the tournament starts, and then no longer filled / changed. You can rely on a good, honest and easy online Football pool tournament at mypoule.nl . There is no limit to the number of members in the group.

mypoule.nl makes football tournaments more emotional.

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