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EURO 2018 played sub-pools

played sub-pools (min. 2 members)
click on a sub-pool to list participants
sub-pool manager participant
2AllStars MyPoule ChallengeMem15
3Best Pals KUykaddoura30
5De Kameradenlkrabbenborg13
7mix poule1koning1008
8N.M.C. GatheringRick-O-Matic8810
10P&M Express BV Tilburgknarf1811
12Rocks N Rivers WK PoolMartijn Jacobs10
13SNL BTTim Jacobs45
15TVF-WK Poule 2018tijnes4
16Van Peperzeel BVCoenraad13
17WK Pouleparty!Van Bimsbergen56

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